bridgeegg and popuptower ezzzz

This commit is contained in:
Luca 2021-11-24 19:44:31 +01:00
parent 9301730272
commit bb2bba9a30
11 changed files with 682 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.bridgeegg.BridgeEggListener;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.listeners.*;
@ -136,7 +137,8 @@ public final class BedWars extends JavaPlugin {
new PlayerDataListener(), new RandomListeners(), new InteractListener(), new ButtonListener(),
new MenuListener(), new GameStartListener(), new GameEndListener(), new WorldListener(),
new MovementListener(), new PlayerKillListener(), new DamageListener(), new PartyChatListener()
new MovementListener(), new PlayerKillListener(), new DamageListener(), new PartyChatListener(),
new BridgeEggListener()
).forEach(listener -> this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(listener, this));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.bridgeegg;
import org.bukkit.entity.Egg;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.BedWars;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.playerdata.PlayerTeam;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class BridgeEggListener implements Listener {
private final BedWars plugin = BedWars.getInstance();
private static final HashMap<Egg, BridgeEggRunnable> currentTasks = new HashMap<>();
public void onProjectileLaunch(ProjectileLaunchEvent event) {
if (event.getEntity() instanceof Egg) {
Egg egg = (Egg) event.getEntity();
if (egg.getShooter() instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) egg.getShooter();
Game game = this.plugin.getGameManager().getGame(player.getUniqueId());
if (game != null) {
PlayerTeam playerTeam = this.plugin.getPlayerDataManager().getPlayerData(player.getUniqueId()).getPlayerTeam();
currentTasks.put(egg, new BridgeEggRunnable(this.plugin, egg, playerTeam, player, game));
public void onProjectileHit(ProjectileHitEvent event) {
if (event.getEntity() instanceof Egg) {
removeEgg((Egg) event.getEntity());
public static void removeEgg(Egg egg) {
if (currentTasks.containsKey(egg)) {
if (currentTasks.get(egg) != null) {
public static Map<Egg, BridgeEggRunnable> getEggTasks() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(currentTasks);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.bridgeegg;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Egg;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.BedWars;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.playerdata.PlayerTeam;
public class BridgeEggRunnable implements Runnable {
private final BedWars plugin;
private final Egg egg;
private final PlayerTeam playerTeam;
private final Player player;
private final Game game;
private final BukkitTask bukkitTask;
public BridgeEggRunnable(BedWars plugin, Egg egg, PlayerTeam playerTeam, Player player, Game game) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.egg = egg;
this.playerTeam = playerTeam;
this.player = player; = game;
this.bukkitTask = this.plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(this.plugin, this, 0, 1);
public void run() {
Location location = this.egg.getLocation();
if (this.egg.isDead() || this.player.getLocation().distance(location) > 27 || this.player.getLocation().getY() - location.getY() > 9) {
if (this.player.getLocation().distance(location) > 4) {
Block block1 = location.clone().subtract(0, 2, 0).getBlock();
if (!, {
if (block1.getType() == Material.AIR) {
block1.setData((byte) this.playerTeam.getColorData());;
location.getWorld().playEffect(block1.getLocation(), Effect.MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES, 3);
this.player.playSound(location, Sound.CHICKEN_EGG_POP, 1, 1);
Block block2 = location.clone().subtract(1, 2, 0).getBlock();
if (!, {
if (block2.getType() == Material.AIR) {
block2.setData((byte) this.playerTeam.getColorData());;
location.getWorld().playEffect(block2.getLocation(), Effect.MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES, 3);
this.player.playSound(location, Sound.CHICKEN_EGG_POP, 1, 1);
Block block3 = location.clone().subtract(0, 2, 1).getBlock();
if (!, {
if (block3.getType() == Material.AIR) {
block3.setData((byte) this.playerTeam.getColorData());;
location.getWorld().playEffect(block3.getLocation(), Effect.MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES, 3);
this.player.playSound(location, Sound.CHICKEN_EGG_POP, 1, 1);
public void cancel() {

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems;
public class e {

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
package rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower;
public class CheckRotation {
public CheckRotation(Double d) {

View File

@ -4,24 +4,30 @@ import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.BedWars;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.playerdata.PlayerTeam;
public class PlaceTower {
private final BedWars plugin = BedWars.getInstance();
public PlaceTower(Block block, String xyz, PlayerTeam playerTeam, Player player, boolean ladder, int ladderData) {
int x = Integer.parseInt(xyz.split(", ")[0]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(xyz.split(", ")[1]);
int z = Integer.parseInt(xyz.split(", ")[2]);
Block relative = block.getRelative(x, y, z);
if (relative.getType() == Material.AIR) {
if (!ladder) {
relative.setData((byte) playerTeam.getColorData());
} else {
relative.setData((byte) ladderData);
Game game = this.plugin.getGameManager().getGame(player.getUniqueId());
if (!game.isInside(relative.getLocation(), game)) {
if (relative.getType() == Material.AIR) {
if (!ladder) {
relative.setData((byte) playerTeam.getColorData());
} else {
relative.setData((byte) ladderData);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,170 @@
package rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.types;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.BedWars;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.PlaceTower;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.playerdata.PlayerTeam;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TowerEast {
private BukkitTask bukkitTask;
public TowerEast(Location location, Block block, PlayerTeam playerTeam, Player player) {
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand.getAmount() == 1) {
} else {
hand.setAmount(hand.getAmount() - 1);
List<String> locList = new ArrayList<>();
locList.add("2, 0, -1");
locList.add("1, 0, -2");
locList.add("0, 0, -2");
locList.add("-1, 0, -1");
locList.add("-1, 0, 0");
locList.add("-1, 0, 1");
locList.add("0, 0, 2");
locList.add("1, 0, 2");
locList.add("2, 0, 1");
locList.add("0, 0, 0, ladder5");
locList.add("2, 1, -1");
locList.add("1, 1, -2");
locList.add("0, 1, -2");
locList.add("-1, 1, -1");
locList.add("-1, 1, 0");
locList.add("-1, 1, 1");
locList.add("0, 1, 2");
locList.add("1, 1, 2");
locList.add("2, 1, 1");
locList.add("0, 1, 0, ladder5");
locList.add("2, 2, -1");
locList.add("1, 2, -2");
locList.add("0, 2, -2");
locList.add("-1, 2, -1");
locList.add("-1, 2, 0");
locList.add("-1, 2, 1");
locList.add("0, 2, 2");
locList.add("1, 2, 2");
locList.add("2, 2, 1");
locList.add("0, 2, 0, ladder5");
locList.add("2, 3, 0");
locList.add("2, 3, -1");
locList.add("1, 3, -2");
locList.add("0, 3, -2");
locList.add("-1, 3, -1");
locList.add("-1, 3, 0");
locList.add("-1, 3, 1");
locList.add("0, 3, 2");
locList.add("1, 3, 2");
locList.add("2, 3, 1");
locList.add("0, 3, 0, ladder5");
locList.add("2, 4, 0");
locList.add("2, 4, -1");
locList.add("1, 4, -2");
locList.add("0, 4, -2");
locList.add("-1, 4, -1");
locList.add("-1, 4, 0");
locList.add("-1, 4, 1");
locList.add("0, 4, 2");
locList.add("1, 4, 2");
locList.add("2, 4, 1");
locList.add("0, 4, 0, ladder5");
locList.add("-1, 5, -2");
locList.add("0, 5, -2");
locList.add("1, 5, -2");
locList.add("2, 5, -2");
locList.add("-1, 5, -1");
locList.add("0, 5, -1");
locList.add("1, 5, -1");
locList.add("2, 5, -1");
locList.add("-1, 5, 0");
locList.add("1, 5, 0");
locList.add("2, 5, 0");
locList.add("-1, 5, 1");
locList.add("0, 5, 0, ladder5");
locList.add("0, 5, 1");
locList.add("1, 5, 1");
locList.add("2, 5, 1");
locList.add("-1, 5, 2");
locList.add("0, 5, 2");
locList.add("1, 5, 2");
locList.add("2, 5, 2");
locList.add("2, 5, -3");
locList.add("2, 6, -3");
locList.add("2, 7, -3");
locList.add("1, 6, -3");
locList.add("0, 6, -3");
locList.add("-1, 5, -3");
locList.add("-1, 6, -3");
locList.add("-1, 7, -3");
locList.add("-2, 5, -2");
locList.add("-2, 6, -2");
locList.add("-2, 7, -2");
locList.add("-2, 6, -1");
locList.add("-2, 5, 0");
locList.add("-2, 6, 0");
locList.add("-2, 7, 0");
locList.add("-2, 6, 1");
locList.add("-2, 5, 2");
locList.add("-2, 6, 2");
locList.add("-2, 7, 2");
locList.add("2, 5, 3");
locList.add("2, 6, 3");
locList.add("2, 7, 3");
locList.add("1, 6, 3");
locList.add("0, 6, 3");
locList.add("-1, 5, 3");
locList.add("-1, 6, 3");
locList.add("-1, 7, 3");
locList.add("3, 5, -2");
locList.add("3, 6, -2");
locList.add("3, 7, -2");
locList.add("3, 6, -1");
locList.add("3, 5, 0");
locList.add("3, 6, 0");
locList.add("3, 7, 0");
locList.add("3, 6, 1");
locList.add("3, 5, 2");
locList.add("3, 6, 2");
locList.add("3, 7, 2");
int[] i = { 0 };
this.bukkitTask = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(BedWars.getInstance(), () -> {
location.getWorld().playSound(location, Sound.CHICKEN_EGG_POP, 1f, 0.5f);
if (locList.size() + 1 == i[0] + 1) {
String string = locList.get(i[0]);
if (string.contains("ladder")) {
int ladderData = Integer.parseInt(string.split("ladder")[1]);
new PlaceTower(block, string, playerTeam, player, true, ladderData);
} else {
new PlaceTower(block, string, playerTeam, player, false, 0);
if (locList.size() + 1 == i[0] + 2) {
String string2 = locList.get(i[0] + 1);
if (string2.contains("ladder")) {
int ladderData = Integer.parseInt(string2.split("ladder")[1]);
new PlaceTower(block, string2, playerTeam, player, true, ladderData);
} else {
new PlaceTower(block, string2, playerTeam, player, false, 0);
i[0] = i[0] + 2;
}, 0, 1);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,171 @@
package rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.types;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.BedWars;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.PlaceTower;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.playerdata.PlayerTeam;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TowerNorth {
private BukkitTask bukkitTask;
public TowerNorth(Location location, Block block, PlayerTeam playerTeam, Player player) {
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand.getAmount() == 1) {
} else {
hand.setAmount(hand.getAmount() - 1);
List<String> locList = new ArrayList<>();
locList.add("-1, 0, -2");
locList.add("-2, 0, -1");
locList.add("-2, 0, 0");
locList.add("-1, 0, 1");
locList.add("0, 0, 1");
locList.add("1, 0, 1");
locList.add("2, 0, 0");
locList.add("2, 0, -1");
locList.add("1, 0, -2");
locList.add("0, 0, 0, ladder2");
locList.add("-1, 1, -2");
locList.add("-2, 1, -1");
locList.add("-2, 1, 0");
locList.add("-1, 1, 1");
locList.add("0, 1, 1");
locList.add("1, 1, 1");
locList.add("2, 1, 0");
locList.add("2, 1, -1");
locList.add("1, 1, -2");
locList.add("0, 1, 0, ladder2");
locList.add("-1, 2, -2");
locList.add("-2, 2, -1");
locList.add("-2, 2, 0");
locList.add("-1, 2, 1");
locList.add("0, 2, 1");
locList.add("1, 2, 1");
locList.add("2, 2, 0");
locList.add("2, 2, -1");
locList.add("1, 2, -2");
locList.add("0, 2, 0, ladder2");
locList.add("0, 3, -2");
locList.add("-1, 3, -2");
locList.add("-2, 3, -1");
locList.add("-2, 3, 0");
locList.add("-1, 3, 1");
locList.add("0, 3, 1");
locList.add("1, 3, 1");
locList.add("2, 3, 0");
locList.add("2, 3, -1");
locList.add("1, 3, -2");
locList.add("0, 3, 0, ladder2");
locList.add("0, 4, -2");
locList.add("-1, 4, -2");
locList.add("-2, 4, -1");
locList.add("-2, 4, 0");
locList.add("-1, 4, 1");
locList.add("0, 4, 1");
locList.add("1, 4, 1");
locList.add("2, 4, 0");
locList.add("2, 4, -1");
locList.add("1, 4, -2");
locList.add("0, 4, 0, ladder2");
locList.add("-2, 5, 1");
locList.add("-2, 5, 0");
locList.add("-2, 5, -1");
locList.add("-2, 5, -2");
locList.add("-1, 5, 1");
locList.add("-1, 5, 0");
locList.add("-1, 5, -1");
locList.add("-1, 5, -2");
locList.add("0, 5, 1");
locList.add("0, 5, -1");
locList.add("0, 5, -2");
locList.add("1, 5, 1");
locList.add("0, 5, 0, ladder2");
locList.add("1, 5, 0");
locList.add("1, 5, -1");
locList.add("1, 5, -2");
locList.add("2, 5, 1");
locList.add("2, 5, 0");
locList.add("2, 5, -1");
locList.add("2, 5, -2");
locList.add("-3, 5, -2");
locList.add("-3, 6, -2");
locList.add("-3, 7, -2");
locList.add("-3, 6, -1");
locList.add("-3, 6, 0");
locList.add("-3, 5, 1");
locList.add("-3, 6, 1");
locList.add("-3, 7, 1");
locList.add("-2, 5, 2");
locList.add("-2, 6, 2");
locList.add("-2, 7, 2");
locList.add("-1, 6, 2");
locList.add("0, 5, 2");
locList.add("0, 6, 2");
locList.add("0, 7, 2");
locList.add("1, 6, 2");
locList.add("2, 5, 2");
locList.add("2, 6, 2");
locList.add("2, 7, 2");
locList.add("3, 5, -2");
locList.add("3, 6, -2");
locList.add("3, 7, -2");
locList.add("3, 6, -1");
locList.add("3, 6, 0");
locList.add("3, 5, 1");
locList.add("3, 6, 1");
locList.add("3, 7, 1");
locList.add("-2, 5, -3");
locList.add("-2, 6, -3");
locList.add("-2, 7, -3");
locList.add("-1, 6, -3");
locList.add("0, 5, -3");
locList.add("0, 6, -3");
locList.add("0, 7, -3");
locList.add("1, 6, -3");
locList.add("2, 5, -3");
locList.add("2, 6, -3");
locList.add("2, 7, -3");
int[] i = { 0 };
this.bukkitTask = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(BedWars.getInstance(), () -> {
location.getWorld().playSound(location, Sound.CHICKEN_EGG_POP, 1f, 0.5f);
if (locList.size() + 1 == i[0] + 1) {
String string = locList.get(i[0]);
if (string.contains("ladder")) {
int ladderData = Integer.parseInt(string.split("ladder")[1]);
new PlaceTower(block, string, playerTeam, player, true, ladderData);
} else {
new PlaceTower(block, string, playerTeam, player, false, 0);
if (locList.size() + 1 == i[0] + 2) {
String string2 = locList.get(i[0] + 1);
if (string2.contains("ladder")) {
int ladderData = Integer.parseInt(string2.split("ladder")[1]);
new PlaceTower(block, string2, playerTeam, player, true, ladderData);
} else {
new PlaceTower(block, string2, playerTeam, player, false, 0);
i[0] = i[0] + 2;
}, 0, 1);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,171 @@
package rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.types;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.BedWars;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.PlaceTower;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.playerdata.PlayerTeam;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TowerSouth {
private BukkitTask bukkitTask;
public TowerSouth(Location location, Block block, PlayerTeam playerTeam, Player player) {
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand.getAmount() == 1) {
} else {
hand.setAmount(hand.getAmount() - 1);
List<String> locList = new ArrayList<>();
locList.add("1, 0, 2");
locList.add("2, 0, 1");
locList.add("2, 0, 0");
locList.add("1, 0, -1");
locList.add("0, 0, -1");
locList.add("-1, 0, -1");
locList.add("-2, 0, 0");
locList.add("-2, 0, 1");
locList.add("-1, 0, 2");
locList.add("0, 0, 0, ladder3");
locList.add("1, 1, 2");
locList.add("2, 1, 1");
locList.add("2, 1, 0");
locList.add("1, 1, -1");
locList.add("0, 1, -1");
locList.add("-1, 1, -1");
locList.add("-2, 1, 0");
locList.add("-2, 1, 1");
locList.add("-1, 1, 2");
locList.add("0, 1, 0, ladder3");
locList.add("1, 2, 2");
locList.add("2, 2, 1");
locList.add("2, 2, 0");
locList.add("1, 2, -1");
locList.add("0, 2, -1");
locList.add("-1, 2, -1");
locList.add("-2, 2, 0");
locList.add("-2, 2, 1");
locList.add("-1, 2, 2");
locList.add("0, 2, 0, ladder3");
locList.add("0, 3, 2");
locList.add("1, 3, 2");
locList.add("2, 3, 1");
locList.add("2, 3, 0");
locList.add("1, 3, -1");
locList.add("0, 3, -1");
locList.add("-1, 3, -1");
locList.add("-2, 3, 0");
locList.add("-2, 3, 1");
locList.add("-1, 3, 2");
locList.add("0, 3, 0, ladder3");
locList.add("0, 4, 2");
locList.add("1, 4, 2");
locList.add("2, 4, 1");
locList.add("2, 4, 0");
locList.add("1, 4, -1");
locList.add("0, 4, -1");
locList.add("-1, 4, -1");
locList.add("-2, 4, 0");
locList.add("-2, 4, 1");
locList.add("-1, 4, 2");
locList.add("0, 4, 0, ladder3");
locList.add("2, 5, -1");
locList.add("2, 5, 0");
locList.add("2, 5, 1");
locList.add("2, 5, 2");
locList.add("1, 5, -1");
locList.add("1, 5, 0");
locList.add("1, 5, 1");
locList.add("1, 5, 2");
locList.add("0, 5, -1");
locList.add("0, 5, 1");
locList.add("0, 5, 2");
locList.add("-1, 5, -1");
locList.add("0, 5, 0, ladder3");
locList.add("-1, 5, 0");
locList.add("-1, 5, 1");
locList.add("-1, 5, 2");
locList.add("-2, 5, -1");
locList.add("-2, 5, 0");
locList.add("-2, 5, 1");
locList.add("-2, 5, 2");
locList.add("3, 5, 2");
locList.add("3, 6, 2");
locList.add("3, 7, 2");
locList.add("3, 6, 1");
locList.add("3, 6, 0");
locList.add("3, 5, -1");
locList.add("3, 6, -1");
locList.add("3, 7, -1");
locList.add("2, 5, -2");
locList.add("2, 6, -2");
locList.add("2, 7, -2");
locList.add("1, 6, -2");
locList.add("0, 5, -2");
locList.add("0, 6, -2");
locList.add("0, 7, -2");
locList.add("-1, 6, -2");
locList.add("-2, 5, -2");
locList.add("-2, 6, -2");
locList.add("-2, 7, -2");
locList.add("-3, 5, 2");
locList.add("-3, 6, 2");
locList.add("-3, 7, 2");
locList.add("-3, 6, 1");
locList.add("-3, 6, 0");
locList.add("-3, 5, -1");
locList.add("-3, 6, -1");
locList.add("-3, 7, -1");
locList.add("2, 5, 3");
locList.add("2, 6, 3");
locList.add("2, 7, 3");
locList.add("1, 6, 3");
locList.add("0, 5, 3");
locList.add("0, 6, 3");
locList.add("0, 7, 3");
locList.add("-1, 6, 3");
locList.add("-2, 5, 3");
locList.add("-2, 6, 3");
locList.add("-2, 7, 3");
int[] i = { 0 };
this.bukkitTask = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(BedWars.getInstance(), () -> {
location.getWorld().playSound(location, Sound.CHICKEN_EGG_POP, 1f, 0.5f);
if (locList.size() + 1 == i[0] + 1) {
String string = locList.get(i[0]);
if (string.contains("ladder")) {
int ladderData = Integer.parseInt(string.split("ladder")[1]);
new PlaceTower(block, string, playerTeam, player, true, ladderData);
} else {
new PlaceTower(block, string, playerTeam, player, false, 0);
if (locList.size() + 1 == i[0] + 2) {
String string2 = locList.get(i[0] + 1);
if (string2.contains("ladder")) {
int ladderData = Integer.parseInt(string2.split("ladder")[1]);
new PlaceTower(block, string2, playerTeam, player, true, ladderData);
} else {
new PlaceTower(block, string2, playerTeam, player, false, 0);
i[0] = i[0] + 2;
}, 0, 1);

View File

@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ public class TowerWest {
locList.add("-3, 5, -2");
locList.add("-3, 6, -2");
locList.add("-3, 7, -2");
int[] i = { 0 };
this.bukkitTask = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(BedWars.getInstance(), () -> {
location.getWorld().playSound(location, Sound.CHICKEN_EGG_POP, 1f, 0.5f);

View File

@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPickupItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.BedWars;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.types.TowerEast;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.types.TowerNorth;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.types.TowerSouth;
import rip.tilly.bedwars.customitems.popuptower.types.TowerWest;
@ -160,8 +164,27 @@ public class WorldListener implements Listener {
Block chest = event.getBlockPlaced();
if (chest.getType() == Material.CHEST) {
Location location = event.getBlockPlaced().getLocation();
Location location = event.getBlockPlaced().getLocation();
double rotation = ((player.getLocation().getYaw() - 90) % 360);
if (rotation < 0) {
rotation += 360;
if (45 <= rotation && rotation < 135) {
new TowerSouth(location, block, playerData.getPlayerTeam(), player);
} else if (225 <= rotation && rotation < 315) {
new TowerNorth(location, block, playerData.getPlayerTeam(), player);
} else if (135 <= rotation && rotation < 225) {
new TowerWest(location, block, playerData.getPlayerTeam(), player);
} else if (0 <= rotation && rotation < 45) {
new TowerEast(location, block, playerData.getPlayerTeam(), player);
} else if (315 <= rotation && rotation < 360) {
new TowerEast(location, block, playerData.getPlayerTeam(), player);