MESSAGES: COMMANDS: CHAT: # Permission Node - HELP: - "%line%" - "&bChat Commands" - "%line%" - "&7⚫ &9/chat &7- &eList of commands" - "&7⚫ &9/chat manage &7- &eManagement menu" - "&7⚫ &9/chat toggle &7- &eToggle the chat" - "&7⚫ &9/chat slow &7- &eSlow the chat" - "&7⚫ &9/chat clear &7- &eClear the chat" - "%line%" SLOW: INVALID-ARGUMENT: "&cEnter an amount of time to slow the chat for" INVALID-AMOUNT: "&cEnter a valid amount of time to slow the chat for" SET-SPAWN: # Permission Node - eventcore.command.setspawn SPAWN-SET: "&aSet the spawn location" STAFF-MODE: # Permission Node - eventcore.command.staffmode ENABLED: "&bYou've &aenabled &bstaff mode" DISABLED: "&bYou've &cdisabled &bstaff mode" BYPASS-MODE: # Permission Node - eventcore.command.bypassmode ENABLED: "&bYou've &aenabled &bbypass mode" DISABLED: "&bYou've &cdisabled &bbypass mode" EVENT: # Permission Node - eventcore.command.event HELP: - "%line%" - "&bEvent Commands" - "%line%" - "&7⚫ &9/event &7- &eList of commands" - "&7⚫ &9/event start &7- &eStart the event" - "&7⚫ &9/event stop &7- &eStop the event" - "&7⚫ &9/event manage &7- &eManagement menu" - "%line%" LISTENERS: CHAT-MUTED: "&cChat is muted" CHAT-COOLDOWN: - "" - "&c&lChat Cooldown" - "&cYou're on a chat cooldown for &c&l%time%" - "" CHAT-MANAGEMENT: MUTED: "&cChat has been muted by &c&l%player%" UNMUTED: "&aChat has been unmuted by &a&l%player%" SLOWED: "&cChat has been slowed for &c&l%amount% by &c&l%player%" CLEARED: "&cChat has been cleared by &c&l%player%" STAFF-MANAGEMENT: VANISH: ENABLED: "&bYou've &aenabled &bvanish" DISABLED: "&bYou've &cdisabled &bvanish"